Renting business premises? What costs do you pay?

Charges and costs on top of the rent.
When renting a commercial building, the costs are not limited to the rental price. It is important to include in the rental contract which costs will be borne by the tenant, and which by the landlord.

Rent guarantee is not an obligation
When renting out a property, it is a legal obligation to provide a rent guarantee of two months. This is not the case if you are renting out a building as part of a commercial lease, but in practice it is not unusual for a landlord to ask for a rental guarantee of three to six months. The deposit does not even have to be in an escrow account in your name. The landlord can also agree that the deposit will be paid into his account. It is best to agree on what to do with the interest.

Possibly with a bank guarantee
The landlord can also ask you for a bank guarantee. In the event of rental damage or non-payment of the rent, he can ask your bank for compensation.


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